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  • Paubha Or Thanka Painting Of Nepal
    Paubha Or Thanka Painting Of Nepal
    1553 Views Liked

    The earliest Buddhist art may be traced back to the Buddha's lifetime although some art historians are of the view that it originated some centuries after Buddha's great Parinirvana. We find many exegetical references to strengthen evidences in the Sutra texts ie Vinaya and Tantra, including Manushrimulakalpa and so on.It appears that Buddha himself considered painting to be an important subject as he mentioned methods of painting in sutras such as Buddha Pratimalaksana sutra. This is...

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  • Nepali Art Has Ugly Faces - Too
    Nepali Art Has Ugly Faces - Too
    1421 Views Liked

    In the past, endowed with vast medieval wealth - Nepali Art had many reasons to be proud and to be admired. For centuries, the traditions of Painting and Sculpture in particular, have remained so remarkable it could narrate innumerable stories of diverse imaginations, styles and beliefs in its expressions. The achievements also provided reasons to wonder how in spite of the harsh geographical adversity and the days of isolation then the ancestors managed and were able to create cultural...

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  • Art Criticism In Nepal
    Art Criticism In Nepal
    1334 Views Liked

    Nepal gets a chance, now and then, to participate in biennale and triennial exhibitions. Through these exhibitions a few selected works help international audiences to get acquainted with Nepali art. But our participation in these exhibitions is so rare and the works selected so few that the selected works can't be a representation of the Nepali art. So rather than letting Nepali paintings speak for themselves we have to resort to writing, which doesn't lend easily to visual interpretation,...

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  • Contemporary Nepali Arts: Some Shocking Trends
    Contemporary Nepali Arts: Some Shocking Trends
    1542 Views Liked

    In contemporary Nepali arts, there are some trends that shock any sensible viewer or any informed person in the area. Some artists repeat the same subject matter, figure and technique throughout their life or from the beginning of their profession till now. The presentation of the same thing all the time creates monotony and nausea in the viewers. The question arises: how can an artist do the same thing all the time?

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  • Art in nature: Shifting trends in Nepali sculpture
    Art in nature: Shifting trends in Nepali sculpture
    1625 Views Liked

    Art has its environment and meaning, and it can exist free from a pedestal. Different approaches have sprung up with current environmental impacts, including other outdoor sculptures in Nepal as a modern movement. This form of activity has given new meaning to local indigenous values, art, and crafts. The transition started after some naturalistic sculptures, including equestrian statues, were brought from Europe and installed in the open environment.

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Showing 13 to 17 of 17 (2 Pages)