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  • Almost Devine
    Almost Devine
    893 Views Liked

    The first time I met artist DB Chitrakar, it was at the Nepal Art Council, Babarmahal, during his solo art exhibition. He guided me through his art works and humbly explained them to me with child - like delight. His unique collection of landscape paintings and portraits were beautiful and truly astounding but what attracted me more was the elderly artist himself.

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  • Araniko Gallery Stands Neglected
    Araniko Gallery Stands Neglected
    1086 Views Liked

    Located half a kilometer off the ring road of Kirtipur, Araniko White Dagoba Gallery is in fact a museum as it not only consists of paintings and sculptures of him but every thing that sheds light on his life and works. It particularly focuses on the white dagoba, the magnum opus of Araniko's architectural works. Erected in the middle of Miao Ying Temple in Beijing, the 50.9 meter tall dome-shaped stupa has been declared a world heritage site by UNESCO.

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  • Basic Concepts Of Mandala
    Basic Concepts Of Mandala
    955 Views Liked

    Mandala is a Sanskrit term, which simply means circle. A Sanskrit thesaurus defines various meanings hiding behind the term Mandala. It defines that the term Mandala is synonym with the word "Chakravala" meaning a cosmic disc or wheel

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  • Antiquity Of Manuscript Painting In Nepal
    Antiquity Of Manuscript Painting In Nepal
    1061 Views Liked

    The earliest historical documents of Kathmandu  Valley which has come to light dates only from 185 AD. The pedestal caption inscription identifying the statue of king Jaya Varma is the earliest finding so far known up to the present date. There is a big gap of 279 years between the above mentioned finding and the Changu Narayan pillar inscription of Mandeva 1st dated 464 AD. No scientific historical document has come to light, which fills the gap of these 279 years.

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  • Traditional Art In Upheaval: The Development Of Modern Contemporary Art In Nepal
    Traditional Art In Upheaval: The Development Of Modern Contemporary Art In Nepal
    1173 Views Liked

    The development of art in Nepal since the middle of the 1960's has been surprising, first and foremost, by reason of its sudden, unusual innovations: from Europe abstract painting came to Nepal. The rhythm of Nepalese art, rich in tradition and defined by its religious content, had already begun to change several decades before, however, and this paved the way for the acceptance of abstract modern art.

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  • Paubha Painting: The Traditional Art of Nepal
    Paubha Painting: The Traditional Art of Nepal
    1475 Views Liked

    "Paubha" the traditional art of Nepal is believed to have been practiced from time immemorial. Due to the lack of documentary evidences it has become difficult to pin point exactly since when and how the painting was practiced and originated in the valley. The word "Paubha" is derived from a Sanskrit word Patrabhattarak. This means depiction of god and goddesses on a flat form.

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  • Documenting Paubha Art In Japan
    Documenting Paubha Art In Japan
    844 Views Liked

    Due to lack of archaeological evidences, the origin of paubha paintings is still debatable.  According to a Newari legend, Princess Bhrikuti had taken paubha paintings to Tibet when she got married to King Srong Tsang Gampo. The painting style was then adapted by Tibetan thangka art.

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  • Prove It, NAFA!
    Prove It, NAFA!
    877 Views Liked

    Stepping into 2011 marks 21 years since Manuj Babu Mishra decided to remain in seclusion at his hermitage in Boudha, Kathmandu. It was only apt for the year 2010 to begin with a major solo exhibition of drawings by the 75-year-old artist at Siddhartha Art Gallery in Baber Mahal Revisited, one of the busiest galleries of the year, along with Kathmandu Contemporary Art Center (KCAC), which opened this year, and the Nepal Art Council (NAC).

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  • Remembering DB Chitrkar
    Remembering DB Chitrkar
    1121 Views Liked

    Dil Bahadur Chitrakar belongs to an era of artists in Nepal who were the first few ones to work away from the traditional occupation of Chitrakars: painting for religious purposes.

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  • Nepal's Home Art: Literally Off the Wall
    Nepal's Home Art: Literally Off the Wall
    927 Views Liked

    In a historically and religiously rich territory spanning a portion of northeast India and southern Nepal, a requisite household ritual has won some women world renown. The region is commonly known as Mithila, and the rite of repute, painting, is performed by virtually all women of the area. With a karmic nudge, and through the inevitable expanded global awareness of our times, their localized, private ritual has become recognized as a distinguished skill. For some it is an honored career....

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  • A Defence Of the Arts
    A Defence Of the Arts

    From imagination and creativity, we get the arts. By art, I mean anything created with a specific purpose—to appeal to an emotion, the senses or the intellect. I am not going to try and debate what is art and what is not. Much like United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s declaration of pornography: “I know it when I see it”, art too depends as much upon the observer as the artist. Art is the crutch on which society supports itself. It can be a celebration or a condemnation or...

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  • Write-ups as Art Criticism On Art or Artist?
    Write-ups as Art Criticism On Art or Artist?
    956 Views Liked

    Compared to the generation of earlier artists, even two to three decades earlier, the creative community today must consider themselves far luckier in terms of public exposure that lead to social recognition and commercial prospects. The scenario has changed today because along with others, as a result of a considerable mushrooming of broad sheet prints in Nepal providing a reasonable space for art activities. This has greatly enhanced the prospects for works and of course, a name for even...

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Showing 1 to 12 of 17 (2 Pages)