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A Defence Of the Arts

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  • Amazing job, keep it up artsofnepal team
    By: Ramesh Byanjankar On 12/24/2021

    From imagination and creativity, we get the arts. By art, I mean anything created with a specific purpose—to appeal to an emotion, the senses or the intellect. I am not going to try and debate what is art and what is not. Much like United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s declaration of pornography: “I know it when I see it”, art too depends as much upon the observer as the artist. Art is the crutch on which society supports itself. It can be a celebration or a condemnation or anything in between. Art defines categorisation, simply because it is so subjective, in both its perception and its creation.

    For me, art is what makes you feel something. When the world is harsh, cruel, uncaring, arbitrary and crushes you, art reminds you that you have a soul. I can think of a moment in high school, when Nepathya’s Amrit Gurung came to talk to us. He handed out CDs of their album Bheda ko Oon Jasto and in the midst of his talk, he burst into song. It was just a few lines, maybe just seconds but the walls reverberated with his voice and I felt a stirring deep within myself, something that threatened to come alive and out of my mouth. Only it stuck in my throat as a dry lump and I was struck dumb and immobile. In those few seconds, I realised conclusively what it meant to truly be alive.

  • Is it? Subject needs 10 Character.
    By: Kiran Shakya On 12/24/2021

    From imagination and creativity, we get the arts. By art, I mean anything created with a specific purpose—to appeal to an emotion, the senses or the intellect. I am not going to try and debate what is art and what is not. Much like United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s declaration of pornography: “I know it when I see it”, art too depends as much upon the observer as the artist. Art is the crutch on which society supports itself. It can be a celebration or a condemnation or anything in between. Art defines categorisation, simply because it is so subjective, in both its perception and its creation.

    For me, art is what makes you feel something. When the world is harsh, cruel, uncaring, arbitrary and crushes you, art reminds you that you have a soul. I can think of a moment in high school, when Nepathya’s Amrit Gurung came to talk to us. He handed out CDs of their album Bheda ko Oon Jasto and in the midst of his talk, he burst into song. It was just a few lines, maybe just seconds but the walls reverberated with his voice and I felt a stirring deep within myself, something that threatened to come alive and out of my mouth. Only it stuck in my throat as a dry lump and I was struck dumb and immobile. In those few seconds, I realised conclusively what it meant to truly be alive

  • Nice topic
    By: Uma Maharjan On 12/24/2021

    Art is communication. I believe that there is no art that is objective. Art is the expression of subjectivity. It recognises that it is a product of a certain set of experiences, limited though they may be to one consciousness. Despite that, it reaches out to something within us, something intrinsic to all of us, and that is imagination. Art allows you into another’s subjectivity, it lets you put on a different shade of goggles to see the world through. It lets you access another’s imagination and this, above all, is art’s redemptive power.